Assertion Schedule


As you may know, it takes you 50 points to become "Trusted" and 100 points to become a "notary". Given the attendance at an event of at least 3 35-point Notaries, this should not be a problem. However a start-up notary may only assign 10 points and needs to notarise several other people in order to raise his/her level. The following table shows how many points you are able to assign after how many notarisations:


There is clearly an issue here: hardly anyone would take the effort to visit 5 notaries who assign 10 points each, instead of visiting just 2 notaries who assign 35 points each. This way the 10-point notary will never get the chance to raise his/her level and therefore will not be visited by anyone. This issue is explored in further depth here: "Help! I'm a 10-point Notary. What can I do?"

Marco came up with the following idea: Notarising a notary does not make sense for the notary being notarised, because s/he has already 100 points or more and doesn't need more points, but it makes sense for the notary who notarises him/her, because s/he can raise his/her level according to the table above. This has been tried, but there is a catch (because of the way the Thawte online assertion mechanism works): you may not notarize in a symmetric way, i.e. A notarises B and B notarises A (plus, of course, you may not assert your own identity). The solution to this is to assert identities in a circular manner, i.e. A notarizes B, B notarizes C and C notarizes A.

Using this technique, given n notaries, notary i certifies notary (i + 1) mod n until (i + a) mod n where a < n/2 . (Isn't mathematics a nice way to express simple things in a complicated way?!). Since this scheme requires some planning, an MS-Excel Spreadsheet was created to do the hard work:

The "Matrix of Trust"

Select the link above to download the generic spreadsheet (created by Christian Barmala, edited and reproduced with permission). Some sample entries are already included - these should be amended accordingly. Also note that the spreadsheet only has space for up to 23 attendees at any event - some careful manipulation will be required if there are more than this.

The "Matrix" is used as follows:
